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Running Program Info
About the Running Program Why the Running Program at Birmingham PT? Your analysis will be performed by a licensed Physical Therapist who is a uniquely qualified movement specialist. Running is a skill that needs to be properly trained. This often requires a skilled eye. Also, no two people are the same, so one size … Continue reading Running Program Info
Dynamic Warm Up
What is a dynamic warm up? Dynamic stretching is important to increase range of motion, improve body awareness, and enhance muscular performance and power. Dynamic stretching also helps to prevent injury by increasing blood flow to the muscles which increases core temperature. Dynamic stretching just means you are moving while you stretch. Dynamic stretching challenges … Continue reading Dynamic Warm Up
Golf Program Info
About the Golf Program As the popularity of golf has risen, the perception of golf as a passive sport has fallen. The current perception is that a golfer needs to be physically fit and proactive about training to perform at his/her highest level, just as in any other sport. The goal of this program … Continue reading Golf Program Info
Desk Ergonometry
For all of you desk jockeys out there or anyone who is addicted to Facebook or the Xbox, sitting properly in a chair can make a big difference to your back and neck pain. You may blame your chair, but even if you have no choice of which chair you can still make a … Continue reading Desk Ergonometry